• CFP: Research in Underexamined Areas of Open Educational Resources

    There’s a new call for papers at https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/10988/research-in-underexamined-areas-of-open-educational-resources which may be of interest to readers of the blog. Part of the framing for this work is the need to transcend studies which concentrate on cost savings and efficacy in favour of non-Western perspectives and innovative methods. There is also an…

  • Report: Massive Open Online Courses for Employability, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    Report: Massive Open Online Courses for Employability, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    We are pleased to announce the publication of a new report produced for the ECM-LM project. The European MOOC Consortium brings together higher education, MOOC platforms and representatives of public and private sectors in a Knowledge Alliance. This report was written to provide a shared understanding of the evidence base…

  • Report: Bringing Learning to Life

    Ahead of the forthcoming Open Education 2019 conference we are pleased to make available the report I will be presenting. Bringing Learning to Life: Evaluation of Everyday Skills in maths and English presents data collected between 2018 and 2019 as part of the evaluation of a new OER learning initiative.…

  • Free Open Book: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning

    Free Open Book: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning

    We are pleased to announce that we are making available a new open textbook which brings together key findings of the BizMOOC project. BizMOOC, which ended in December 2018, was a Knowledge Alliance project contributed to by OER Hub. The area of focus was the use of MOOC to support…

  • #OWLTEH18 and #MozFest18

    October saw the Hub team head Stateside to present and contribute to #OpenEd18 in Niagara Falls, USA before rounding up the month by participating in both MozFest, the Mozilla Foundation annual festival in London, and a Mozfest fringe event at The Coventry Transport Museum. The fringe event – Learning On/With The Open Web – was…

  • OER World Map – UK Country View 2018 #altc

     To mark the first day of ALT-C, the UK’s foremost conference for educational technologists, we are happy to share with you a UK version of the OER World Map and invite you to authenticate and improve the data. The OER World Map collects and visualizes data on actors and activities in…

  • Report: Models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education

    Regular readers of these pages may recall that last year we shared information about a research collaboration between OER Hub and FiBS and put out a global call to share information about educational delivery for a comparative study.  We shared interim results from the project back in October, but I’m…

  • Global OER Graduate Network 2018 Seminar Report #go_gn

    Here’s a report on this year’s GO-GN workshops from Bea de los Arcos, reblogged from http://go-gn.net/go-gn/what-happened-when-we-put-14-phd-researchers-inside-an-ikea-hotel/.   Check out the website for more information about doctoral research into open education taking place around the world:  Tuko Panoja! After Cape Town in 2013 and 2017, Ljubljana and Washington in 2014, Banff in 2015…

  • Catalysing Open Innovation: OER World Map at #oer18 and #oeglobal18

    Catalysing Open Innovation: OER World Map at #oer18 and #oeglobal18

    Reblogged from: https://oerworldmap.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/catalysing-open-innovation-oer-world-map-at-oer18-and-oeglobal18 It’s been a busy period for the OER World Map team! There has been a lot of development work taking place – including a new brand identity and UI overhaul for the OER World Map (which has a great new landing page).  The refresh was launched at OER18: Open to…

  • OOFAT: Final Call for Cases

    OOFAT: Final Call for Cases

    You may recall that last year we invited submissions for the OOFAT (Open, Online, Flexible and Technology-Enhanced) Models for Education project.  The project has already produced some interesting results and reflections and we have published a preliminary paper in the proceedings of the EADTU conference. While we have had a…