Free Open Book: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning

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We are pleased to announce that we are making available a new open textbook which brings together key findings of the BizMOOC project. BizMOOC, which ended in December 2018, was a Knowledge Alliance project contributed to by OER Hub. The area of focus was the use of MOOC to support learning and development in business and improving co-ordination between business and academia.

One of the principal project outputs was the MOOC BOOK, a guide to the use of MOOCs for business learning with comprehensive sections for business, policymakers and educators. This is the result of many research actions across Europe by the project consortium, and presents a wealth of information extracted from both desk research and more than 1,000 interviews.

The MOOC BOOK, is a great resources, but we wanted to provide a streamlined version which could be more easily printed, shared, and remixed. This concise version is entitled Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning.The online version of the book can be found at

Here you can also download the book in a range of other formats:

We also have some other formats available (ePub, MOBI) so if they would be more useful then get in touch and we can share a copy.

The book is intended for general use, but there are fast tracks through the content depending on whether you are more interested in research aspects or implementation. There’s a lot of information on the practicalities and cost of setting up a MOOC, as well as information on getting the most out of MOOC in a business context and establishing best practices. Many of the chapters are aligned to key European themes (lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, etc.).

You are free to use the book in any way as long as you attribute the BizMOOC project! So please share with anyone who has an interest in online education for business!

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiĀ­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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