Category: research

  • Free Open Book: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning

    Free Open Book: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Business Learning

    We are pleased to announce that we are making available a new open textbook which brings together key findings of the BizMOOC project. BizMOOC, which ended in December 2018, was a Knowledge Alliance project contributed to by OER Hub. The area of focus was the use of MOOC to support…

  • Report: Models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education

    Regular readers of these pages may recall that last year we shared information about a research collaboration between OER Hub and FiBS and put out a global call to share information about educational delivery for a comparative study.  We shared interim results from the project back in October, but I’m…

  • OOFAT: Final Call for Cases

    OOFAT: Final Call for Cases

    You may recall that last year we invited submissions for the OOFAT (Open, Online, Flexible and Technology-Enhanced) Models for Education project.  The project has already produced some interesting results and reflections and we have published a preliminary paper in the proceedings of the EADTU conference. While we have had a…

  • Reminder: #OOFAT Survey Closes 24th June 2017

    Reminder: #OOFAT Survey Closes 24th June 2017

    Many thanks to all those who have provided data on their teaching innovations for the OOFAT study.  We have received more than 80 responses and are in the process of cleaning the data and resolving any queries. This post is to remind you that the survey will close this week…

  • Call for participation: UK Open Textbooks

    The Hewlett Foundation has provided funding for a research project which will be led by OER Hub at The Open University (UK).  The focus of the work will be the use of open textbooks in the UK. Open textbooks have seen impressive growth and impact in the North American context, through…

  • #liveblog : #openresearch in #openeducationwk

    Today we conducted our first workshop around the theme of open research at The Open University during Open Education Week.  This workshop draws on our experiences from OER Research Hub and the materials generated for our award-winning course on P2Pu and our textbook on Open Research.  The session was attended…

  • OER Hub activity in #openeducationwk 2017

    As ever, there is a lot happening here at the Hub and Open Education Week 2017 provides a great opportunity to update everyone on what we’ve been up to. With our GO-GN hat on we recently returned from South Africa where we ran our annual workshop for PhD students.  You…

  • Call for Papers – OUSL Journal

    Call for Papers – OUSL Journal

    Articles are invited for the OUSL Journal, a peer-reviewed, open access journal published bi-annually by the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL).  The OUSL Journal provides a forum for previously unpublished research articles on theory and practice relating to teaching and learning at the University level, in particular but not exclusively, in the field…

  • 14th Annual Open Education Conference: CFP Open

    The call for papers for the next annual Open Education conference has been announced.  The conference will take place in Anaheim, CA. (USA) between 11th and 13th October 2017.  Interestingly, there is a 2000 character limit on proposals… We’ve kept our proposal submission process streamlined again this year so you can stay…

  • Survey launched for #OOFAT Models

    Survey launched for #OOFAT Models

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the survey for the OOFAT Models project, which can be accessed via  Through this research we hope to produce an improved understanding of the sustainable business models that will support open and flexible forms of education in the future.  According to the acronym…