OER World Map – UK Country View 2018 #altc

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To mark the first day of ALT-C, the UK’s foremost conference for educational technologists, we are happy to share with you a UK version of the OER World Map and invite you to authenticate and improve the data.

The OER World Map collects and visualizes data on actors and activities in the field of open education worldwide. The goal is to accelerate the evolution of the global OER ecosystem by providing a comprehensive and responsive picture of the OER movement.

There are now more than 200 entries recorded in the system for the UK  – a combination of people, events, stories, tools, projects and institutions making up the world of open education (beginning with the JISC OER project).   We hope you find it useful and maybe it will even enable you to make a new connection or two.

We’re really keen to capture even more of what’s going on in 2018 and beyond. To add data about yourself or your activity you can follow the instructions at https://oerworldmap.org/contribute.

If you want to embed your own version of the UK map you can do so using the following code:

<iframe src=”https://oerworldmap.org/country/gb” width=”1200″ height=”600″></iframe>

Wishing you a great conference from the OER World Map team!

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