Category: evidence
Siyavula Educator Survey Results: Sample (Part I)
This is the first of four co-authored blog posts (written by Beck Pitt and Megan Beckett) examining the preliminary Siyavula educator survey results. If you attended the open textbook webinar on 28 May 2014 (watch it here!), you’ll be aware of how both Megan and Daniel’s perspectives and contextualising of the survey…
What's Happening During Open Textbook Research Week?
If you follow us on Twitter (and if not, check out @OER_Hub), or if you read my earlier post, then you’ll know that tomorrow sees the start of our Open Textbook research week! First, a big thanks is due to everyone I’ve been working with over the past few weeks; in particular special shouts…
Missed OCWC14? Videos of Presentations Available Now!
Did you miss OCWC14 (“Open Education for a Multicultural World”) in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the end of May? Were you at the conference but missed a session? Well, fear not … videos of the presentations have been made available online! You can browse available sessions here. As you may be aware,…
Reports from MOOC Research Hub
An exciting new potential source of data came my way this morning as some of my notification services picked up on the reports that have been published as part of MOOC Research Hub, an initiative funded by the Gates Foundation and based at Athabasca University. They bring together work from a…
The OER Survey Exploratoratorium
Exploratory visualization – Data visualizations that are used by the designer for self-informative purposes to discover patterns, trends, or sub-problems in a dataset. Exploratory visualizations typically don’t have an already-known story. Iliinsky & Steele, 2011 There is a certain power from letting people explore a dataset, many eyes having the…
OER Impact Map(s): Studio tour
My dad turns 65 this weekend and whilst he should be retiring he’s not and will be still pottering about in the village shop he runs. My dad hasn’t always been a shopkeeper, instead spending most of his life working as a land surveyor. Land surveyors were traditionally key members…
A is for April: An update on our comings and goings
Dear friends, I should be embarrassed to report that our carbon footprint went through the roof in April, and I am, in part, but truth is all those air miles have been consumed in the name of open education! (I promise I’ll plant a few trees, honestly). First, Beck headed…
OER Impact Map
As OER Research Hub we aggregated and filtered data that relates to our research hypotheses. To see some of the evidence we gathered visit our OER Impact Map. There you will find up to date reporting on each of our hypotheses as well as summaries for different countries and help on using the…
The value of an #OERmap
It’s all been pretty busy here at the OERRH HQ. Conference season has now ended and with a bit of time to draw breath I’m writing about the recent OER Map prototypes funded by Hewlett Foundation. Mapping has a bit of a history in the OER movement and these map…