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What’s new at the Hub this Fall?

By | October 19th, 2016|Collaboration, conference, data, Dissemination, events, evidence, GO-GN, impact, Latest News, MOOC, OER World Map, open courses, open research, open research agenda, Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS), Progress, Reports, research, Webinars|

With the academic year beginning and the nights drawing in (well, here in the UK at least) it's a good [...]

Launch of OERRH Survey Data Explorer #oeglobal

By | April 22nd, 2015|data visualization, Dissemination, evidence, Progress|

The OER Research Hub team are at OE Global in Banff, Canada this week, and it seems like a great [...]

2015 so far… January and February review

By | March 5th, 2015|BCcampus, CCCOER, College, Dissemination, events, Latest News, open education, open education week, open research, Progress, Reflection, research, ROER4D, Webinars|

Project Update It may seem a little quiet here at the Hub of late but rest assured we're hard at [...]

Mark the Date! Open Education Week (9-13 March 2015)

By | February 6th, 2015|Collaboration, College, events, Latest News, open education, open education week, Progress|

With just over a month to go, Open Education Week is fast approaching! Una Daly from the Open Education Consortium (OEC) [...]

Boston Children’s Hospital project OPENPediatrics launches new OER resource

By | January 15th, 2015|Ethics, oer, open education, Progress, technology|

OERRH OER Evidence Report 2013-2014

By | November 19th, 2014|Collaboration, data, Education, evidence, Latest News, oer, OERRH, open education, open research, Progress, Reports|

It gives me great pleasure to announce that OER Research Hub is now ready to release the first of its [...]

One Year On: The Journey of "Open Research"

By | November 4th, 2014|Collaboration, Dissemination, Ethics, evaluation, Latest News, oer, OERRH, open research, P2PU, Progress, Reflection, School of Open|

The following blog post was originally published on School of Open's blog on 4 November 2014. It’s now been a couple of [...]

Reflections on the #oerrhub agile approach to evaluation

By | October 2nd, 2014|blogs, Collaboration, Dissemination, evaluation, evidence, OER Impact Map, OERRH, open research, Progress, Reflection, Reports, research, ROER4D|

Cleaning our way to a monster dataset

By | August 11th, 2014|blogs, Collaboration, data, evidence, oer, OERRH, open research, Progress, surveys|

CC BY emilydickinsonridesabmx https://flic.kr/p/8UtkEe In February of 2013 the newly put together OERRH team completed the humongous task [...]

OER Research Hub: July Round-Up

By | July 30th, 2014|BCcampus, blogs, Collaboration, College, Connexions, Dissemination, events, Interviews, Latest News, OER Impact Map, OERRH, OKFest14, open courses, open research, open textbook research week, OpenStax College, Progress, Reflection, research, Siyavula, surveys|

What's been happening at the Hub in July? It's time for our monthly news round-up! Open Textbook Bonanza July kicked off [...]