With just over a month to go, Open Education Week is fast approaching! Una Daly from the Open Education Consortium (OEC) tells us more:
“Open Education Week (March 9-13, 2015) in its 4th annual year is an online celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its purpose is to raise awareness about open education and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Participation in all events and use of all resources are free and open to everyone. Open education includes free and open access to platforms, tools and resources in education, including learning materials, course materials, videos, assessment tools, research, study groups, and textbooks, all available under an open license.
There are various ways to participate in the Open Education Week. You can host an online or in-person events in your area. You can choose to share resources or research results. You can also participate by promoting the Week by putting a banner on your website, by writing a blog post on it, or by spreading the word via social media.
Participate in Open Education Week 2015 March 9-13! Tell us what you’re planning at http://www.openeducationweek.org/submit
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