The OER Research Hub is now three months in but its start still seems such a short time ago so it is worth reflecting on some things that have happened and are happening:
- the team is building. The research team is now recruited. The first Research Associate, Rob, was able to start straight away, and Leigh-Ann started at the beginning of December. Both Beck and Bea will join in the New Year. Our project coordinator Claire also stated in December. Interviews are planned for the Collaborations Manager, in the meantime Patrina Law has taken that on as an acting role alongside the oversight she gives in her core role in IET. The developer post will be appointed later.
- planning and methodology. The hypotheses set out in the proposal have shown themselves to be a good set, though we may need to expand on what we mean in a couple of instances. The overall methodology of working with collaborators has been expanded and we are working through that as new people joining the team.
- collaborations. All eight of the collaboration areas have been in contact and look like they *will* work in practice. This is good as I had thought we would end up finding that we needed to change one or two once we tried to firm up on the ideas in the proposal. We are also finding quite a few willing volunteers for fellowships from beyond the projects which will help keep results relevant.
In addition we were able to take advantage of a strong OU presence at OpenEd12 in Vancouver to kick things off and distribute invitations to connect with research beyond the boundaries.
And we have a logo!!
So plenty to do but we are on our way.
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