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open education

/open education

Report: Massive Open Online Courses for Employability, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

By | October 28th, 2019|Collaboration, Dissemination, evidence, MOOC, oer, open education, open research|

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new report produced for the ECM-LM project. The European MOOC Consortium [...]

#YearOfOpen at The Open University (20 June). Final line-up!

By | June 19th, 2017|events, Latest News, open education, Webinars, YearOfOpen|

Further to our earlier announcement, we're excited to present the full line-up for tomorrow's (20 June) #YearOfOpen event here at [...]

Developing models of open, online education

By | May 16th, 2017|OOFAT, open education|

The “OOFAT” project is currently looking at different models of open, online, flexible and technology-enhanced learning (OOFAT) in higher education. [...]

14th Annual Open Education Conference: CFP Open

By | February 22nd, 2017|oer, open education, research|

The call for papers for the next annual Open Education conference has been announced.  The conference will take place in Anaheim, [...]

The Hub in Review 2016

By | December 19th, 2016|BCcampus, CCCOER, Collaboration, evaluation, events, impact, OEPS, OER World Map, open education, open research, Webinars|

With the end of 2016 fast approaching, the OER Hub team would like to both thank you for your support [...]

OER World Map – latest developments and call to action

By | July 8th, 2016|Collaboration, oer, OER World Map, open education|

The OER World Map project aims at collecting and visualizing data about actors, services, projects and events related to OER [...]

Digital Badging in Higher Education

By | March 4th, 2016|Education, MOOC, open education, OpenLearn|

Those interested in badging learning and alternative forms of assessment might like to check out the following lecture from The [...]

Constellations of Open (Utah Valley)

By | February 12th, 2016|conference, Dissemination, impact, OER Impact Map, OER World Map, open education, open research, research|

Here are my slides from my presentation at the Open Education Symposium at Utah Valley University. If you're [...]

New Report Out Now! Exploring the Use and Impact of OER in British Columbia

By | January 20th, 2016|BCcampus, Collaboration, data, Dissemination, educators, evidence, impact, Latest News, oer, OERRH, open education, open research, research|

Photo credit: Clint Lalonde via Instagram Earlier this week I was excited and proud to see the publication of [...]

Open education and critical pedagogy

By | November 28th, 2015|Dissemination, MOOC, oer, open education|

I have a new publication entitled 'Open Education and Critical Pedagogy' upcoming with Learning, Media and Technology.  Here's the abstract. [...]