Author: Rob Farrow
Bibliography of OER, ROER and related subjects
Here’s a really useful bibliography of research into open education and OER, courtesy of the wonderful Javiera Atenas with some help from Leo Havemann, and Ernesto Priego. Let them know if you find it useful!
Open Education Timeline, meet OER Impact Map
Thanks to a handy embed code I’ve been able to add the Open Education Timeline to the range of data services available at OER Impact Map. You can see it in situ at Thanks to the Open Knowledge Foundation Open Education Working Group for putting the data together and making it share-able! One…
Announcing the OERRH/MERLOT collaboration
I’m pleased to announce that our collaborative research with the MERLOT network is being launched today. Based at California State University, MERLOT is a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services contributed and used by an international education community. We’re very pleased to…
EdTech is Widening Skills and Achievement Divides. Why Not Narrow the Engagement Divide?
Elaine Heinzman outlines the case for public OER that can help children from less affluent backgrounds to develop their learning and technology skills.