Open content licensing for educators #OCL4ED

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Those educators interested in finding out more about the idea of open educational resources and the role of open licensing might want to consider an upcoming course from OERuOpen content licensing for educators (OCL4Ed) is a free OERu micro Open Online Course (mOOC) designed for educators and students who want to learn more about open education resources, copyright, and Creative Commons licenses.

The course runs from the 5th-19th February and takes around 20 hours in total.  On the menu are five areas of study:

  1. Why open matters in education

  2. Defining open educational resources

  3. Your educational rights to copy

  4. Refining your copyright using Creative Commons

  5. Choosing the right open license

This content should be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about open education and open licensing of educational materials.  It’s a mOOC (micro-open-online-course) so involves less of a time commitment than some online courses. But with some extra work, there also seems to be some accreditation available for those who want it.

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