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Educator Paul Shaber on OpenStax College Textbooks

By | July 1st, 2014|blogs, Collaboration, Connexions, data, Dissemination, evidence, Interviews, K12, oer, OERRH, open research, open textbook research week, OpenStax College, Reflection, research|

Early this year, I had the opportunity to interview several OpenStax College using educators on their experiences of using the materials. Paul [...]

Siyavula Educator Survey Results: Educational Contexts (Part II)

By | July 1st, 2014|Collaboration, College, data, Dissemination, evidence, fellowships, oer, OERRH, open education, open research, open textbook research week, questionnaires, Reflection, research, Siyavula, surveys|

This is the second of a four-part series of blog posts co-authored by Beck Pitt (OER Research Hub researcher) and [...]

OpenStax College Educator Survey Results (The Return!)

By | June 30th, 2014|Collaboration, College, conference, Connexions, data, evidence, oer, OERRH, open education, open research, open textbook research week, OpenStax College, questionnaires, research, surveys|

As some of you might remember, I keenly blogged some of the provisional OpenStax College (OSC) Educator survey results whilst [...]

What's Happening During Open Textbook Research Week?

By | June 29th, 2014|BCcampus, CC licensing, Collaboration, College, Connexions, data, Dissemination, evidence, fellowships, Interviews, Latest News, oer, OERRH, open education, open research, open textbook research week, OpenStax College, Reflection, Reports, research, Siyavula, Sprint, surveys|

If you follow us on Twitter (and if not, check out @OER_Hub), or if you read my earlier post, then you'll know that [...]

Goodbye Mars: FlipCon14 reviewed

By | June 27th, 2014|blogs, Collaboration, conference, Dissemination, Education, events, fellowships, K12, OERRH, Reflection|

Have you ever heard of a microburst? Me neither, yet it seems that my trips to the US happen to [...]

Evening OERthlings, greetings from Mars!

By | June 23rd, 2014|Collaboration, conference, Dissemination, Education, K12, research|

CC BY B. de los Arcos I’m in Mars, Pennsylvania Route 228, population 1,699. Most notable Martian? A [...]

Missed OCWC14? Videos of Presentations Available Now!

By | June 23rd, 2014|CCCOER, Collaboration, College, conference, data, Dissemination, Education, events, evidence, fellowships, OCWC2014, oer, OER Impact Map, OERRH, open research|

Did you miss OCWC14 ("Open Education for a Multicultural World") in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the end of May? Were you at [...]

Creative Commons Licenses for Flipped Educators

By | June 16th, 2014|CC licensing, Collaboration, Dissemination, Education, fellowships, K12, OERRH, open education, Teacher education|

Last September, when Kari Arfstrom visited Milton Keynes as an OERRHub fellow, we talked about creating an infographic for flipped [...]