The survey for the UK Open Textbooks project is now open!
This survey is for teachers and instructors based in Further Education (FE) or Higher Education (HE) in the UK and Republic of Ireland. It is about the use of textbooks for teaching in higher or further education, and will take around 5-7 minutes to complete.
Please take this survey if you are involved in teaching: whether as an educator, technologist, librarian or other relevant role.
All data collected in this survey will be treated confidentially, and the online service SurveyMonkey will not collect your IP address. During analysis, the results will be anonymised, and any work disseminated, published or communicated subsequently will also be anonymous.
Your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. Ethical approval for this survey has been granted by the University of the West of England, and the participant information sheet can be accessed at here.
Many thanks for your anticipated help!
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