OER Research Hub says farewell to project manager Claire Walker, and hello to new PM Natalie Eggleston

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The OER Research Hub would like to extend best wishes to our project manager, Claire Walker, as she takes up a new role in The OU’s Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships (CICP). Claire will now be managing a project around the Accreditation of Prior Learning across the university. Her last day is Friday 14th February.

We would like to say a big thank you to Claire for her valuable contribution to our project, and good luck in her new role.

And as we say goodbye to Claire, we say hello and welcome to Natalie Eggleston (no stranger to the project!) who will be taking over from Claire from Monday. As Claire puts it: with Natalie coming on board, we are sure our project will continue in good hands!

Please join the OER Research Hub as we say: Good luck Claire and Welcome Natalie!

Goodbye Claire (left) and Hello Natalie (right)
Goodbye Claire (left) and Hello Natalie (right)

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