Author: Martin Weller

  • It's not reuse, it's adaptation

    <Image by SPUR> Reuse of OERs is an elusive, even mythical creature, so much so that Alan Levine has compared finding it to tracking Bigfoot. David Wiley has spoken of ‘dark reuse‘, like dark matter, we assume it’s going on but we can’t see it. But maybe we’re looking for…

  • The iceberg model of OER engagement

    (reblogged from Martin’s blog) I’m pretty sure I’m the first person to ever use the iceberg analogy… I’ve been pondering ways of thinking about open education awareness, and OER usage that might help shape OER policy. So here’s one I want to try out. Open education in general, and OERs…

  • Whadya mean "openness has won"?

    (Reblogged from ) <Image E Livermore > In my Battle for Open book (and article) I make the claim that openness has been victorious in many respects, and reinforce this by examining the success of open access publishing, OERs, MOOCs and open scholarship. However, to many working in higher education,…

  • Alan Levine talks openness

    Alan Levine came to visit, and I grabbed a quick video (rather shakily done) of him talking about openness. If you haven’t seen them then Alan’s sites 50 ways to tell a story and True stories of openness are great resources.

  • Understanding OER in 10 videos

    We suspect that most people who come to this site know what OERs are, but in case you don’t we’ve created a YouTube playlist that sequences 10 videos together explaining OERs and related issues. YouTube playlists also allow you to add notes to each one (although limited in characters and…

  • FutureLearn & the role of MOOCs

    <Image> This post reblogged from: If you’re working in higher ed in the UK you will no doubt have seen that FutureLearn had its beta launch last week. Some disclosure – FutureLearn is owned by the OU & I’ve been partially involved in its development, so I’m probably not a…

  • OCWC conference

    I was at the OCWC Conference in Bali last week, representing the OER Research Hub. For reasons too tedious to mention this was actually my first OCWC conference. Most conferences are a mixture of plusses and minuses so here are mine for this one. Plusses: There were some great people…