I’m pleased to announce the latest addition to the OER Impact Map which now has an outward-facing user interface for entering data.

The URL for the entry form is  From here you can select which hypothesis your evidence relates to; add a geocode; and tag sectors.  Once this information is submitted the entry is queued for editorial review before being published.

You can access the bookmarklet tool for speedier entry of information at  This approach pulls in some of the relevant information from the website you want to cite.

Some tips for use:

  • First, select the type of data you will add – evidence, policy or project
  • Provide as much information as you can – we will try to fill in any gaps
  • ‘Citation’ should be either a URL or an academic reference
  • The body of the evidence entry works like a WSYIWYG editor
  • OER Impact Map supports the use of WordPress shortcodes to embed multimedia content
  • Paste in an address and hit ‘Geocode’ to generate a map reference
  • Submit for review

Adding Evidence:

  • Use the hypothesis list to work out where evidence fits or mark it ‘Unassigned’
  • Be sure to mark evidence as positive (for the hypothesis) or negative (against the hypothesis) and identify the sector the evidence comes from

Adding Projects:

  • If adding a project, include some text from the project website (or Wikipedia) and a homepage link

Adding Policies

  • If adding a policy be sure to select the scope (Institutional/Regional/National/International) and the relevant education sectors – link back to the policy and add a brief summary or paste in relevant sections

Though we will be adding open sign-in soon, at the moment you will need to be a registered site user to contribute.  To request an account, simply use the following form:

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