Here are my slides from today’s presentation at eLearning 2014 with a textual summary of the findings below.  A record of the discussion from todays session will be added soon…

Thanks to the organisers from the Instructional Technology Council for inviting me to come and speak!

  • Most of the respondents have used some sort of OER, though only around a quarter create OER
  • Most report positive effects on their teaching practice as a result of OER use, particularly around peer collaboration and improved subject knowledge
  • A smaller proportion (but still in excess of 40%) feel that OER use directly leads to improved reflection on pedagogical practice
  • Positive effects were also identified for learners, especially around increased self-reliance, subject interest and experimentation
  • There were similar numbers who thought OER wasn’t making much of a difference and a core of what might be termed “anti-OER‟ responses
  • There were mixed views about whether OER was saving institutions money, but approximately 2/3 felt that students had saved money
  • Around 1/3 believe that OER is improving student attrition while around 1/2 believe it is not having an effect
  • Only around half of OER creators have used open licensing
  • There is a core of advocates who understand and actively promote OER; they adopt open educational practices and believe it leads to benefits